Power Manager

Low Carbon Buildings

"Power Manager" provides companies with a true insight into how power is used within their business, "power Manager" not only provides up to the minute information on electric, gas, water usage, but also monitors temperature and humidity and other environmental parameters.

Power manager usage information is provided real time via a secure web site, allowing full or limited access, for instance a branch manager could review only their branch information, an area manager may only review and compare information from their managed outlets, whereas head office can review and compare all locations.

Accounts departments can now accurately calculate the weekly power costing, no need for accrual.

Manage temperature within your business, are some of your locations getting heated to early, is heating left on to late, is the air-conditioning running all year round: with "Power Manager" you can compare your businesses one by one and see what effect dropping temperatures a bit may have on trade and costing.

Humidity can play an often forgotten roll in the customer "feel good" factor, monitor and control it properly.

"Power Manager" is easy to fit and install

The information may be viewed and analysed over the WEB on any Browser. No special software is required. Data displayed in graphs or in spreadsheet form. Export to "Excel" or other data base.

Displayed in the format & detail you require quickly & easily. Global information for head office, detailed for local managers.

microWatt has developed the "Power Manager" from its work monitoring the New Eco Houses.

Ths product is also marketed under the name of Eddie to the domestic & industrial market & "WhatWatts" to the ECO building industry.